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Equipping public servants to use the immense leverage of government to make great things happen.
Is deadwood killing your team?
Uncover how ‘deadwood’ and ‘Decay’ impact public sector teams. Explore the hidden impact on team dynamics and discover strategies to prevent it
I just got to say what you’re not allowed to. How’d I do?
My TEDx talk lays out — to the public — the simple but easily missed truth that the public sector delivers what society needs in order to thrive. Not what individuals want — that’s what the private sector is for. No, you deliver what we need.
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stronger Australia
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White Papers
Frank and Fearless
As a reformed executive, I’ve stared the harsh realities of public sector life in the eye. And that’s why I put together these white papers.

Learn the three components that enable Decay to take hold. By showing you these three components, you’ll see how to prevent Decay in yourself, and even gain some insights into how to head it off in your team.

Predicting is Protecting
Discover three dead-easy tools that’ll help you spot the disruptions hurtling your way. These tools will enable you to stay calm, make strategic decisions, and implement plans that maximise positive outcomes while minimising potential setbacks.

Full Hearts, Clear Eyes, Can't Lose
If you want to bridge the gap between what your PD says you need, and what it really takes to achieve success in public service, download your free copy today.
TEDx Showreel

Lightbulb Moments
what every citizen needs to know but is never told. The solution to big problems is all around us!
Quotable Clarity
All the reasons government matters, that you couldn’t put your finger on. Aha!
Own your Pride
You know your work matters. Next time your rude uncle slags your job, send him this.
Frank and Fearless
The public sector underpins every corner of society. This is a message Georgie loves to deliver as far and wide as possible! So check back regularly to find out which new podcast audiences she’s taken this message to.
Speaking with Confidence with Cat Matson
This is an awesome conversation for any public servant who is tired, frustrated and wondering if they can really make an impact. It’s also an incredibly powerful conversation for anyone on the ‘outside’ of the public sector, wondering how to be heard.
The young public servant’s guide to doing well while doing good. With wit and insight, two career public servants lay out what you need to know to make your mark in government.


Get it for Free!! $0.00

Get your Free Chapter
Chapter 11 of The Formula for Impact is your toolkit for mastering social license—the secret to building trust, earning credibility, and creating lasting impact.
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The best way for you to decide if Upsides is right for you is through a zero obligation, 30 minute Clarity Call.
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Stronger public servants,
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